From the original animated series, Transformers explore a world where Giant, robotic aliens called Autobots and evil Decepticons are capable of transforming into vehicles and other objects. Earth's fate is at stake when Autobots and Decepticons wage a reawakened war on the planet.
FiGPiN's Transformers Mystery Mini Series 01 features 14 characters from the original animated series. Discover an awesome collection of enamel pins with characters like Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and more! Each Mystery Mini is enclosed in a blind box and you can find a randomized character inside.
Complete your collection and download the FiGPiN APP to redeem the ultra rare Megatron, a full gold-plated enamel pin with only 100 made!
The Transformers Mystery Mini Series 01 includes:
Common: Optimus Prime (Y454), Bumblebee (Y455), Soundwave (Y456), Shockwave (Y457)
Uncommon: Optimus Prime (Y458), Bumblebee (Y459), Soundwave (Y460), Shockwave (Y461)
Rare: Prowl (Y462), Ironhide (Y463)
Super Rare: Jazz (Y464), Starscream (Y465)
Hyper Rare: Megatron (Y466)
Ultra Rare (app redemption): Megatron (Y467)