Dragon Ball Super continues the story of Goku and his quest for strength. As a formidable foe looms on Goku and friends, this epic shounen Japanese anime expands the sagas of Dragon Ball for all anime fans to enjoy.
FiGPiN's Dragon Ball Super Mystery Mini Series 01 features 14 characters from the Japanese anime series. Discover an awesome collection of enamel pins with characters like Goku, Vegeta, Picollo and more! Each Mystery Mini is enclosed in a blind box and you can find a randomized character inside. Complete your collection and download the FiGPiN APP to redeem the ultra rare Shenron, a full black and gold enamel pin with only 100 made! This Mystery Mini case features 10 enamel pin blind boxes. Each Mystery Box is packed blind with a randomized character inside.
The Dragon Ball Super Mystery Mini Series 01 includes:
Common: Goku (Y510), Vegeta (Y511), Goten (Y512), Trunks (Y513)
Uncommon: Goku (Y514), Vegeta (Y515), Goten (Y516), Trunks (Y517)
Rare: Gotenks (Y518), Picollo (Y519)
Super Rare: Whis (Y520), Beerus (Y521)
Hyper Rare: Shenron (Y522)
Ultra Rare (app redemption): Shenron (Y523)
Unlock your Mystery FiGPiNs on the FiGPiN App for your chance to redeem the gold and black ULTRA Shenron (Y523)!