Mominu, the beloved art toy designed by legendary artist and DSTLRY Founding Creator Junko Mizuno, is back in the first-ever DSTLRY series variant colorway. This new edition is inspired by the Eisner-nominated folk horror classic SOMNA: A BEDTIME STORY by Becky Cloonan and Tula Lotay. Mizuno not only designed the original Mominu, but has returned to craft this exclusive SOMNA-inspired figure. This premiere 5-inch collectible art toy, holding a glow-in-the-dark candle and bearing an unrelenting gaze, will debut at San Diego Comic-Con 2024. DSTLRY is making this convention-exclusive variant edition, limited to an edition of 500, available to the Direct Market. Orders for MOMINU x SOMNA will be allocated to 100 units.