Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Toon Turtles 4 Pck Action Figure Set

Sale price$174.99


Were taking TMNT fans back to the beginning with a Classic Toon Turtles Figure 4-Pack! Theyre leaping out of television land and into the real world, ready to take on the Foot with tons of Toon Tools thatll make any Foot fighter faint! Stand back as leader of the troop, Toon Leonardo, unleashes his mighty Toon Katana blades! Toon Raph is armed with his scene-splittin Toon Sais, ready to straighten out any scribble-head who dares to draw outside the lines! Toon Don is ready for extra animated action as he fights against the faded Foot with his Toon Bo staffs! And Toon Mikeys Toon Nunchuks are always ready to do battle against any real-world Foot fools! Each 6 Turtle comes with their signature weapon, an Animated Toon Television, Toon Turtle Pizza Disc, and Turtle Communicator.

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